Monday, September 22, 2008

Growing Pains

No, I am not expecting. Our children are rapidly growing~like our sunflowers in the garden. So Brett and I decided to spend all of out savings plus, and expand our home to fit our wants. Not positive I can justly classify it as a need though a huge part of me believes that to be true. On the flip side of that noisy Tyvek paper is our current dining room where our table seating all eight of us clumsily pokes out into the livingroom. That Tyvek paper is our wall. Fall is officially here. Chilly mornings but we warm things up at night (wink). Don't be naughty we have a firepit in the back yard for making s'mores! Brett is standing in our old garage in our future diningroom behind him and Malachi is my future pantry and to the right of all that will be two simple rooms. I am so excited and he is doing and amazing job. Thank You Thank You Thank You. You are the greatest!

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