Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here I am!

It was sunny and beautiful, the air was fresh and crisp, and every leaf had fallen from both of our Maples in the front yard. The house was unusually quiet ( a mom knows something is going on when they hear quiet). So I start looking for Malachi, just to make sure he isn't painting the walls (Micheal Angelo) or staining the carpet with violet medicine, both of which happened this week :) After searching the entire house and deeming it empty I start outside~ front yard always first and I hear him giggling so loud I giggle now at the memory of his laugh it was so infectious! It was obvious that he had proven himself patient and was rewarded with having the element of surprise on his side. It took me a moment to spot him as he was well hidden under the pile of leaves he created. He sat up and screamed to scare me. Leaves are absolutely the highlight of Autumn. I made him recreate the moment so I could capture the memory in a photo. Happy days!