Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunshine Yellow!

Our remodel is coming along nicely. As you can see we are now at the painting stage. Brett, who has always obsessed with pure white walls has pulled a 180 on us. What could bring about such drastic change? A country song! My husband who does not generally listen to country heard some song about a man who didn't let his wife buy a dress or paint a wall or something ~I don't really know and now she's gone. Typical country ending. Anyway we are not gone and he wants us to choose our colors and paint! Way cool, I think the kids are all going to name a color for their own room and Brett & I will go down and pick out something respectful in that color scheme. WRONG! We all load up in the car drive down to Wal-Mart pick out whatever crazy color we want then buy not a quart of it~ but a gallon of it at the full price! Might I remind you this was not from the paint graveyard of deeply discounted mistints. Probably would have been a good idea. Anyway after seeing the Last Lecture online and accepting Bretts decision, I allow the kids to paint with me and I am so proud that the control freak in me is going to share her toys (paint tools)that I take pictures of the process from letting Malachi open his can, to pouing it in the container, to brushing it on the walls. What's this not even 5 minutes into it and he's bored? I should have let him 'help' me days ago instead of repeating 'no' over and over for 8 hours. Okay my turn to paint 30 minutes later I am done with this wall and I grab the camera to take his picture in front, what?!? no CF card! Argghh! No proof I shared! Oh well I know, God knows, Malachi knows and will forget and thats all that matters right, probably but here I am telling the world. Anyway most important is that he LOVES his wall. It is SUNSHINE YELLOOOW he yells as he dances round in his room. If you think your color is off on your comp just think of freshly painted yellow stripes down the middle of the road in the summer. Yeah that's sunshine yellow. Another bonus ~ it appears like the light is on in there even without electricty. Brett loves it too! Enjoy the sunshine of life! Kimberly


The Lanyons said...

My kitchen is sunshine yellow and I love it everyday. It's such a happy color!

Smart said...

How wonderful! I love that they got to pick out their own colors! I wish I could paint our place!