Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nauvoo's Treehouse Birthday

I am a big fan of the children's literary series 'Magic Tree House' by Mary Pope Osborne. I have read most of them to our six children. So when the opportunity came up for us to spend the night in a super fancy tree house I concluded that would be the best way to celebrate our youngest daughters eighth birthday. Due to the rain we stayed inside for the evening eating super yummy birthday cake, playing games, acting silly, and laughing hard. When we woke the next morning we ate all we could at a great little breakfast house in Cave Junction. Then decided to hike it off at the Amazing Oregon Caves.


Smart said...

What a fun birthday!! Treehouse and games, breakfast AND the Oregon caves? How awesome!!

The Lanyons said...

I read about these treehouses in a funny book about taking a road trip across the US and have wanted to try them out ever since. Maybe next time we're in the states!

Angie said...

Where are they exactly? I want to go there.